Organizational Training

In your work organization do you ever say:
- What can be done to make workers more knowledgeable and skillful?
- How can I invest in workers to my organization?
- What experiences could I give my workers so we can be more high performing and productive?
- How could I create more leadership inside this organization?
- What kind of training do we need so our work processes will become highly effective and efficient?
- How can I help build pride and cohesion in people and teams?
- How can training build a “high performance” culture?
At Phoenix Process Consultants, we see organizational training as a way to learn skills, deepen competency, create a lively work organism, and build positive work culture.
While we have created many “training packages,” we will customize everything we do to your purpose and goals. Every effective training starts with us assessing with you on a number of points:
- What do you want the training to accomplish?
- How does it serve your organization?
- Are there specific attitudes, skills, knowledges, and competencies you want your folks to grasp?
We like to produce and measure results: before, immediately after, and several months following the training to measure the “staying power” of our training. We will work alongside you and your co-workers as you move toward success. As you accomplish your goals, we will help you plan to stay on course.
Organizational Training Offerings
Conflict Resolution Training – Using an established model for conflict resolution we will train individuals and teams to implement this model. A second level of training is “training your trainers” to conduct learning and training. Thus you have your own internal resource – and are not dependent on us.
Facilitation Training – Again we are training folks to assist in meetings, work process development and team, department and inter-department meetings and communication. This training includes role clarity, skill development, and application with feedback. It also may be done in a “train the trainer” format.
High Performance Team Training – In this training participants learn and apply team formation exercises, collaborative work skills, action team processes, consensus deciding, and a time efficient and effective meeting process. Again, you may choose to train the trainers to build an internal resource.
Interviewing and Hiring Training – Getting the right personnel is key to success. In this training participants are trained to establish criteria based on work culture, construct interview processes using criteria, and learn required interview skills.
Work Process Training – Using “quality work process” skills and process building techniques, participants will learn and apply essential principles and methods that they can use with teams and cross-organizational groups.
Personal and Professional Development Training – Leaders, managers, and supervisors will find this training very helpful. The training will cover the developer role, in depth listening, strengths assessment, work areas, setting of specific goals, review process (formal and informal), and giving useful feedback and encouragement.
Leadership Development Training – This training is similar to the training just above. In addition to all the areas covered above, the participants will also learn how to apply emotional intelligence assessment and growth, as well as leadership principles in their work with leaders.
More Topical Trainings
- Emotional Intelligence
- Personal Preference and Profile
- Socratic Method
- Learning Style
- Dealing With Difficult People
- Value Clarification
- Establish Vision and Mission
- Building Dialogue
- Goal Based Correction
- Converting Financials to Behavior
- Constructive Use of Chaos
- Transformation Movement and Method
- Using Organizational Resistance
- Succession Planning
Contact Phoenix Process Consultants at 952-922-8822 for more information.