The Wellness Process (Individual Wellness or Couples Wellness) takes place over a three-month period where you will receive 20 hours of individual and group counseling and psychoeducation. We focus on Wellness by using your strengths. Accepting the challenges of life, we help you assess your current state of wellness, and design a plan to live a wellness lifestyle.
Our shared work includes:
Four scheduled Seminars and four individually scheduled “One on Ones”.
In the seminars you will engage in Wellness Topics, such as inferiority feelings, human goals, psychological priorities, styles of dealing with conflict and enhancing your skills at resolving conflict. This is very much a process of discovering, owning, integrating and authenticating your thoughts, feelings values and beliefs. Through input, exercises and interactions you will fully learn and understand “who you are”. Each seminar is followed by your personal “one on one” session to help you process and expand what you are learning about yourself and owning “Your Wellness”.
- Personal reflective work
- Individual and group sessions
- Presentations and workshops with active participation & dialogue
- Use of detailed and effective personal assessment tools
Your sessions will combine psycho-education with counseling content and methods. You will walk away with life principles and tools that will help you master your current struggles, and live a more purposeful and fulfilling life.
Contact Phoenix Process Consultants at 952-922-8822 for more information.